Terms & Conditions

Direct Submit and Direct Submit Internet Marketing Services are the trading names of Direct Submit Internet Marketing Services Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Company number: 06001238

In employing Direct Submit Internet Services, you are confirming you agree to the company terms & conditions.

General Contract Terms
Direct Submit Internet Services will require email or written confirmation to proceed with any project.

The materials on this Website are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of our business or any of its employees, agents or contractors. While Direct Submit Internet Services endeavours to include only accurate and current information on this Website, our company makes no representations or warranties that such information is correct, complete or up-to-date.

Direct Submit Internet Services, nor any other reputable SEO company, can promise traffic gain, guaranteed SEO placement results or more sales because of any Internet Marketing project. Normally the end result of the Internet Marketing process will be more traffic, better rankings and more sales. However, as said, no reputable SEO company would make such a promise.

As part of the search engine project, Direct Submit may purchase and host a domain allied to the project. This domain, although it shall remain the property of Direct Submit unless otherwise agreed in writing, will be used during the contract period to the benefit of the client project. After the period of the contract the domain, unless an agreement has been made in writing and signed by both parties (Direct Submit and the Client) that the domain be transferred to the client, may be used by Direct Submit as deemed appropriate.

Any SEO process takes an absolute minimum of four to six months to show some significant effect. During this time the client site will be analysed and optimised within the timelines and resources specified in the agreement. Achieving stable high rankings can take up to 12 months and all SEO projects should be viewed as long term projects.

Direct Submit Internet Services use both paid for and free submission services including Bing, Yahoo, Goggle & other search engines. The actual search engines and directories submitted to may change, and Direct Submit Internet Services reserve the right to update the submissions list as they feel best meets the client’s SEO project needs.

Where the registered administrative contact for any domain held by a client is NOT Direct Submit, then Direct Submit are NOT responsible for any lapse in renewal of any such domains. This applies whether Direct Submit host the website and/or domain for a client.

Access to the website files is required if Direct Submit are to apply any updates to the website. These updates are done after consultation and/or guidance with/from the client. If website access is not to be provided, a contact email address is required for any updates to be posted to as required. In this instance. If updates are not allowable or applied as directed by Direct Submit to your website, then this may have a negative effect on the SEO project and this will NOT be considered the fault of Direct Submit.

Direct Submit Internet Services reserves the right to use, where it feels it is in the interest of the SEO project, external service providers and contractors. This is only ever done when it is felt that the SEO project will benefit from such actions.

Direct Submit Internet Services are in no way responsible for the content or purpose, implied or otherwise, of ANY website submitted via the SEO services it offers. All information on this site is the property of Direct Submit Internet Services and cannot be copied or reprinted (in art or otherwise) without written permission of Direct Submit Internet Services.

Payment & Contract Terms
Payment Terms are any agreed payment/deposit to be paid within thirty (30) days from receipt of the invoice. If the client has unpaid bills, we reserve the right stop working and reverse any work done until the payment is made in full.

All contracts, unless stated otherwise in the agreement, are for a minimum term of six months. Thirty (30) days written or email confirmation from the client is required to cancel any project.

Direct Submit is the trading name for Direct Submit Internet Services Limited (company number: 06001238).

Direct Submit Referral Scheme
By signing up to be an Affiliate in the Direct Submit Referral Scheme (“scheme”) you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”). Direct Submit reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service from time to time without notice. Any new features that augment or enhance the current service, including the release of new tools and resources, shall be subject to the Terms of Service.

All payments are discretionary. Direct Submit reserves the right to change payment terms in the future.

Continued use of the scheme after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes. Violation of any of the terms below will result in the termination of your Account and for forfeiture of any outstanding affiliate commission payments earned during the violation. You agree to use the Referral Scheme at your own risk.

Direct Submit SEO Services Referral Scheme
At Direct Submit we always aim to provide our customers with high-quality content, data-driven results, and overall, a great experience with us. However, now we want to take this one step further and thank all our customers, old and new, who help promote our services through word of mouth referrals and recommendations.

For those that want to refer us to other companies based on the experience they have had or the quality of service that they received with us, you can now benefit from doing so. How are we doing this, you ask? The short answer is through our new SEO Services Referral Scheme’.

What is a Referral Scheme?
A referral scheme is a method of rewarding you for generating new clients for Direct Submit. If you are able to put us in touch with individuals and companies that require our services, then we want to reward you for your support.

What rewards can you receive?
When your referral becomes a paying client, and after the initial agreed payment with the referral is made to Direct Submit by the referred client, you’ll get a £25 Amazon Gift Card paid directly to you. This reward will be payable for each new client you refer. There is only one reward for each Referred company/organisation referred.

Referrals will be deemed as ineligible if an existing client refers their own franchisee or a new location of a group that is already an existing customer.

Why should you take part in the referral scheme?
We believe in putting our customers first and delivering a high standard of service to them. However, we want to help even more businesses succeed, just like yours!

With your help, we can form new relationships that help our business and theirs to thrive, and now, you can benefit from referring us, too.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail or simply register an interest, get in touch with our team today on 0800 669 6848 or 01207 283878 or email ma**@di**********.uk. We will be more than happy to chat with you about it.

The Bottom Line
Direct Submit Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services will work to optimise and promote your website(s) to the search engines and directories as per any agreement and make every effort to succeed with your project. Where we differ from many other SEO and Internet companies is that we will always go ‘the extra mile’ to try and make the project successful.

However, due to the ever-changing nature of the search engines and the need for many clients to maintain a level of control over the design and content of their website, we feel it necessary to include the above terms and conditions.

If you wish to discuss these terms and conditions further please contact Direct Submit Internet Services today on 01207 283878.